

EARC Business school students hail from across Africa, Asia, Europe, UK, and USA and throughout the world, bringing together diverse perspectives, experiences, backgrounds and cultures. The EARC Business School provides two main branches of educations and training. Using both Online programmes and face-to- face (Hybrid). EARC Business School through the admission Office encourages participation of students through direct enrollment and exchange programmers. We offer a supportive and holistic approach. We’re thrilled you’re considering joining the EARC Business Community. We know that deciding how to continue your educational and training journey isn’t easy, but we will be here to support you in your personal growth journey


E- African Research Center (EARC-Int.)

A Social Research & Development Association Registered in Ghana and the European Union

Trade &

Diverse & Quality

Technology &

Growth In
Economic Sectors

Get In Touch with Us

A Social Research & Development Association Registered in Ghana and the European Union

Phone Number:

+233 548704485

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