
Focus on Africa

There are several reasons why developing economies in Africa would benefit from a large number of locals taking on internationally recognized education diplomas:

Improved Job Opportunities: Obtaining an internationally recognized education diploma can increase the chances of finding a good job, both locally and internationally. This is because such diplomas are often highly regarded by employers around the world, and are seen as a sign of a high level of education and competency.

Increased Earnings: With improved job opportunities comes the potential for higher earnings. This can have a positive impact on the local economy, as individuals with higher incomes are likely to spend more money locally, which can in turn support local businesses and help drive economic growth.

Enhanced Skills and Knowledge: Pursuing an internationally recognized education diploma can provide individuals with access to the latest knowledge and skills in their chosen field. This can help to improve overall productivity and efficiency, and can also support innovation and entrepreneurship.

Improved Reputation: Developing economies that produce a large number of highly educated individuals with internationally recognized diplomas can improve their reputation on the global stage. This can attract foreign investment and support economic growth.

Overall, investing in education and encouraging locals to pursue internationally recognized education diplomas can have a positive impact on both the individual and the wider economy.

Who we are

Prof. Emmanuel Teitey (Ph.D)

The group is led by Prof. Emmanuel Teitey(Ph.D) as the CEO Prof. Teitey brings his international experience as a Professor, finance specialist, economist, accountant, researcher, lecturer and a highly regarded author.
Prof. Teitey`s work involves education, training and development and research. His passion, interest and motivation in the field of education flourished from his personal experience and deeply held belief in self-development and therefore the self-empowerment of Africa. Prof. Teitey`s research has coalesced to the formation of ARC, after many years of research, into practicable solutions to the many organizational and education hurdles faced by communities, Prof Teity has designed the strategic goals of ARC to create real change and advancement.
ARC as a project has been close to my heart for many years –starting with raising money for scholarship programmes as a child, including financing myself through the entire education ladder. We will create real impact and change lives. Prior to joining ARC as CEO, I have worked internationally in my capacity as a professor and as a Board member and see the difference in life outcomes vastly accelerate.
According to Marian (2022) “Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it.”


To articulate my philosophy of teaching is to describe the Journey I have had to become the Professor that I am today. I have varied experiences; from my multi-disciplinary background, work and academic experiences in and outside the classrooms to my travels and participation in different academic conferences globally. Being trained in and attempting to understand and absorb knowledge in different spheres and cultures. This enriching experience whereby I had the opportunity to meet a diverse range of people through discourse with whom I have come to confront ideas and philosophies divergent from mine, these experiences serve to broaden our World view and help us grow.
My experiences, to paraphrase Professor Hu Liangcai, have apprised me of a past and a present, enabling me to judge the future. These experiences in and outside classrooms are what define my academic philosophy today and influence my academic activities. In many respects, the Professor I am today has also been shaped by specific experiences serving on the Academic Review Board and Dissertation Defense Committee of SMCU University, Switzerland. By virtue of my position, I was privy to the personal statements and academic philosophies of seasoned intellectuals and professors; and I realized some of the essential values that academicians across disciplines hold.
Academic advising has been an integral part of the higher education experience since the beginning of higher education itself, although it was not a specifically defined activity in those early years. Academic advising program plays a key role in student learning and development and forms an important aspect of my academic philosophy. The primary purpose of academic advising is to assist students in their development of meaningful educational plans that are compatible with their life goals. My advisory role as part of my overall teaching philosophy is aimed at helping students and learners see the world from a practical point of view.

Mrs Sherrie De Lacey:

Chief Operation Officer

Mrs De Lacey takes the lead of International affairs, Educational programming, and development and Grant management. As a serial entrepreneur and market participant Sherrie brings academic prestige and real World business experience to her role at ARC. Sherrie is a long standing advocate for children’s education, as well as directs assistance therefore is currently training to trek the Sahara for the NSPCC. Sherrie is a serial entrepreneur passionate about women in Leadership and equality, expressed through her books, blogs, and video series, the most popular being “Trading Exchange” whereby she attempts to educate those wanting to participate in the market giving realistic analysis tools and warning against those wanting to take undue risk for imaginary gain. With this broad spectrum of experience, Mrs De Lacey will also shortly complete a Ph.D. in Management and administration.

Dr. John McCarthy (Ph.D)

Member of the board and lecturer.

Dr Mccarthy has enjoyed a long career as an educationist , as well as taking part in various pieces of research at such institutions as Zenith University where he lectured, later joining University Professional studies Ghana. Bringing to the team years of experience in Education, Research, finance and consulting. As a research fellow and a lecturer, holding a Ph.D. in Finance and research in harmony with the commonsensical application of being aChartered Accountant and Chartered Taxation specialist.

Dr. Gabriel Forson

Member of the board and lecturer

Executive Director of Halifax Africa Holding, with over twenty years of experience spanning Operations Management, project Management, project Finance, Engineering, and Banking. Dr.Gabriel Forson works on industrial projects with major management and engineering companies both locally and internationally as a Member of the Association of Project Management, UK. Gabriel holds a Doctorate in Finance from the SMC University of Zurich, Switzerland, additionally to a master’s degree in Project Management from the University of London, UK. Bringing to the team a rich experience in various fields from many institutions. As a member of the management committee member taking charge of operation management and project Management.

Mrs. Joyce Amadey

Head of Marketing & Research

Mrs Joyce Amadey heading the invaluable Development Department. Bringing her vast experience in various institutions such as Ecobank, Ghana and Amazon USA, along with others.
Mrs Amadey holds an MPhil in Economics and is a research fellow.

E- African Research Center (EARC-Int.)

A Social Research & Development Association Registered in Ghana and the European Union

Trade &

Diverse & Quality

Technology &

Growth In
Economic Sectors

Get In Touch with Us

A Social Research & Development Association Registered in Ghana and the European Union

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+233 548704485

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